
Al Gore Says That on Second Thought, He’s Fine With Global Warming

July 28, 2011


Al Gore Says That on Second Thought, He’s Fine With Global Warming

After a record heatwave hit the East Coast last week, Al Gore announced today that maybe global warming isn’t such a bad thing after all.

“I’ve given it a lot of thought,” said the star of An Inconvenient Truth. “I’m cool with a couple melting glaciers if it means I’m going to have a badass tan this summer.”

The news was both shocking and devastating to environmentalists everywhere.

OMdoubleG caught up with the former vice president outside the Sierra Club’s headquarters in San Francisco, where he was clearing out his office.

“I know this will piss off some hippies,” said the 63-year old, “but I also think recycling is kind of lame.”


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