
The Price is Right for Snoop Dogg

January 5, 2012


The Price is Right for Snoop Dogg

On Monday, Snoop Dogg launched ‘Celebrity Week’ on Price is Right.

The rapper shocked the audience when he did incredibly well on the pricing game “Bullseye.”

“He was shown five different snack foods and asked to purchase a quantity of each item so the total price was between $10 and $12,” explained host Drew Carey. “I’ve never seen anyone go 5-for-5 before.”

After winning thousands of dollars for his charity, the Doggfather told the secret to his success.

“It ain’t hard to guess the price of Little Debbie Swiss Rolls, chips and candy bars,” said Snoop. “That;s the same sh#t I buy when I get the munchies.”

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